In todays demanding and busy world taking time out is often seen as a luxury. However, times are definitely changing and I think the COVID lockdowns highlighted to all of us how important it is to take the time to look after ourselves, and a regular massage is such a great way to do this.
We all carry the stress and tension of daily life throughout our bodies and over time this builds up and can result in all sorts of unwnated physcial, mental and emotional symptoms. These symptoms may include fatigue, headaches, anxiety, sleep problems, depression, digestive issues, physical pain and more. Studies have proven that not only does massage reduce stress but also the symptoms of stress too. However, you won’t get these benefits from having a massage once a year, it needs to be built into your regular monthly or weekly routine.
With so many of us being hunched over desks all day long, our muscles can become shortened and overworked, especially in our chest and core. This is why massage is so helpful as it improves your posture by increasing muscle memory and loosening the strains on these muscle groups, reducing those aches and pains that we are just used to living with.
Massage also dramatiacally decreases stress levels by reducing the level of cortisol (the stress hormone) in your body. Cortisol destroys the cells in your body that are responsible for preventing and fighting off disease. So by having regular massage and reducing cortisol levels in your body, you are actively improving your immunity to all kinds of diseases and health problems.
Not only this but massage releases endorphins that act as a natural mood booster and can lead to a reduction in the symptoms of depression and anxiety. It helps take us out of fight-or-flight mode in order to achieve a state of calm and groundedness.
For those who are serious about performance, massage can help improve your athletic performance and recovery by helping rid the muscle groups of dead tissue in order to make room for new, healthy tissue growth. By receiving massage after an event, your tissues can better flush out the lactic acid which can cause cramps in your muscles and lead to injury.
So no more excuses, we only have one body, mind and soul, so lets look after it! Book yourself in for a massage or pregnancy massage by contacting me on +447952595513 and give yourself the love and care you deserve.
You can read more about the massages I offer here.