The word chakra means “wheel” and the chakras refer to spinning wheels of energy located in our body. The chakra system is rooted in the Indian Ayurvedic system of the mind and body. There are many chakras all over the body, some minor and some major, but our main 7 chakras which are often the focus of energy healing work are located in a line down the centre of the body. They consist of the Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra. Each chakra is associated with the functioning of a different part of the body and can impact our spiritual, emotional mental and physical health. When the energy of our chakras (energy wheels) becomes blocked, unbalanced, restricted or exaggerated we can experience all sorts of imbalances to our physical and energetic health.
A chakra balancing treatment uses a crystal pendulum to identify what the current energy flow of each chakra is, so that the crystals can work to unlock and rebalance the chakras to bring your mind body and spirit back into alignment. This helps to heal at a deep, energetic level and work through any old, stuck energy that might be causing other issues to our mind and body.
Crystals have been used throughout history for powerful healing rituals and are traditionally associated with divine power. The Aztecs and Mayan civilisations calling them the “brain cells of the earth” and aboriginal people calling them “the great spirit”. We have these intuitive and highly intelligent groups of people to thank for the healing knowledge and power of crystals today.
Crystals are known to have a high and stable vibrational frequency which can bring harmony and balance to our own vibrational energy.
A crystal healing treatment can be a deeply powerful experience, and similar to reiki, this energy treatment can feel different every time you have it, depending what is going on in your energy field at that particular moment in time. As we travel through the world and go about our daily lives our bodies energy centres pick-up all sorts of energy from other people and the environment. Crystals can work to clear any negative energy we pick up, often energy that we have been holding onto for a long time and promote healing at an even deeper level.
Read more about crystal healing in my Guide to Crystal Healing here.
Chakra Balancing Prices
Chakra Balancing (30 mins) £40
A slightly shorter treatment than the below, a pendulum will be used to assess the current state of the 7 main chakras and the chakras will then be soothed and balanced. Crystals are placed onto each chakra and the universal life force reiki energy will be used to soothe and relax you as the crystals work their magic on your energy field. This is a great treatment to add onto a massage as the massage will provide healing on a physical level (often treating symptoms that are the manifestation of energetic unbalances) and then the crystals continuing this healing healing at a deeper energetic level.
Deep Crystal Healing and Chakra Balancing (60 mins) £60
A deeply relaxing experience of mind, body and spirit healing. After an initial consultation to find out where you are at, what you are feeling and what you would like to gain from your treatment, you will lie fully clothed on the heated massage bed, snuggled under soft blankets with essential oil burning. After connecting our energies using the powerful healing crystal, a clear quartz faden, a pendulum will be used to assess the current state of your chakras. The chakras are then soothed and balanced using the pendulum. Crystals will then be placed onto the correlating chakras and their powerful vibrational energy will bring balance to the root causes of any illness or suffering at an emotional, mental and physical level. After the session I can provide feedback on anything I noticed or picked up and am always interested to hear what you experienced during the session. I might make suggestions on how to continue keeping specific chakras balanced at home, to continue to keep your energy fields aligned.
Chakra Pendulum Balancing (20 mins) £20 (add onto massage and facial only)
This healing energy treatment is a great add on to any massage or facial and will provide you with an extra level of healing once your body and mind have already been soothed and your nervous system re-set. Using the crystal pendulum I will check all of your 7 main chakras and re-align them as required, shifting any stuck energy and leaving you feeling balanced and grounded.
I have been having facials, massage and reiki with Simone for over two years now. She is absolutely brilliant at what she does and does it with such care and compassion I cannot recommend her highly enough.
Zoe, Edgeley
If you’d like to book a treatment or make an enquiry please contact me
Chakra Balancing FAQ’s
Your Chakra Balancing treatment can last anywhere between 20 and 60 minutes, depending which option you book. The 20 minute experience can only be booked as an add-on to a facial or a massage. Please allow 15 minutes either side of your treatment for me to set-up and pack away.
You don’t need to do anything specific before your Chakra Balancing treatment although I always think it’s beneficial to have 10 minutes of calm before you arrive for your treatment so that you get the most out of your session.
The Chakra Balancing treatment is done fully clothed and there is no need for you to wear anything specific, although something comfortable is advised so that you can feel relaxed during your treatment. You will be snuggled under soft, warm blankets if the weather is cooler and lying on a heated bed.
After your Chakra Balancing treatment you will feel deeply relaxed, calm, maybe a little sleepy and spaced out. Your energy should generally feel more settled and you might feel a release of tension from your physical body and a more peaceful mind. Sometimes you can feel tearful and emotional, often due to releases in stuck energy. You will most likely feel different after each session and this is totally normal due to our ever changing energy systems. It is always advisable to set aside some time after your treatment to sit and rest and make sure you drink lots of water for the rest of the day to stay hydrated and flush out any toxins.
Chakra Balancing works on the bodies 7 main energy centres, known as the chakras and aims to unblock and release any stuck energy and re-balance energy that may be causing mental, physical and spiritual issues. Here, we are working on the root causes of many ailments. Above anything else, chakra balancing is deeply calming, soothing and relaxing.
Read more about crystal healing in my Guide to Crystal Healing here.

If you’d like to book a treatment or make an enquiry please contact me